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Staff Highlight: Emily Vazquez

Headshot of staff member, Emily Vasquez

"My name is Emily Vazquez and Association House is a huge part of who I am today. My family worked here my entire life and I reaped the benefits of their work here at the House! Since I was a kid, my mom often brought me to the House, and while she worked, I'd spend many hours in the LSE classroom. There, I birthed my love for working with the Intellectual Disabilities population. When I was 18, I immediately worked for AHC as a residential staff, and returned a little over a year ago as a Community Health Instructor!

Working as the Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Health First Aid instructor has taught me so much about myself and about the people we serve every day. The most important and enjoyable part about my job is creating connections and relationships with the people we serve. They come here for more than just services, they come to talk to people who CARE about their needs beyond the basics. Families from all over Chicago benefit from the kindness and the work we put in every day. The best part of working at Association House is truly seeing our participants feel like they have a “home” to come to when they need something. I’m grateful for growing up in a community that cares, it played a huge role in my life, and I returned to do the same for others!"



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