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New Grant Partner Shows Up in a Big Way

Association House works to address real need in our community. Now, McDonald’s is right alongside us, with funding and a helping hand. Recently, we received a $75,000 grant from the McDonald’s Chicago Community Impact Program. And in September, 75 McDonald’s employees volunteered in-person. Together, they donated more than 375 hours of their time!

"McDonald's has demonstrated true partnership in their commitment of time and funds. Their focus on youth opportunity is critical," Lillian Bui, Development Director, adds.

Funding will support Association House High School and Workforce Development. The High School offers a pathway to graduation for students left behind by other schools. Workforce Development builds opportunity through job training and placement.

Every day at Association House is abuzz with activity. So, there was no shortage of activities for McDonald’s volunteers to take part in. Several volunteers worked with the Community Health Program. They put together 240 hygiene kits and 300 condom kits to distribute to members of the community.

Other volunteers painted the Child Welfare and Workforce Development waiting areas. They also painted the living room, dining room, and den in our Dulcinea home. Dulcinea provides housing for people recovering from severe mental illness. Fresh, bright colors will help participants feel at ease as they enter the building or their home.

Outside, volunteers and High School students raced through Humboldt Park. All part of a lively photo scavenger hunt. These activities build school culture and foster connections.

In the largest project, McDonald's volunteers and participants bonded over food and activity. One talented volunteer led the group in painting sunflowers on canvas. One at a time, they formed meaningful connections while creating something beautiful.

Association House is grateful for McDonald’s for making our work possible. Volunteers were able to see first-hand how the Chicago Community Impact Grant will change thousands of lives. We look forward to all the amazing things this partnership will achieve.



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