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125th Anniversary_Standard_Color_edited.
  • Writer's pictureNick Malone

McDonald's Take Over & Make Over Association House!

When McDonald's is in the building, we know we're going to get things done. Last week, 100 volunteers from the McDonald's Corporation joined us for a day of beautifying our building, connecting with participants, and celebrating our mission.

All their hard work led to one of the most impactful days of the year, instantly transforming the lives of our participants for the better. Better still, the volunteer day lined up perfectly with the kickoff of Hispanic Heritage Month, adding an extra layer of fun and pride to our projects.

Our volunteers divided and conquered all over the House. One team assembled our New Moms Room, a brand-new space for nursing moms to find privacy and comfort when they need it. Another attended a Mental Health First Aid training seminar and certification class, giving themselves the confidence needed to safely intervene in a mental health crisis.

Elsewhere, volunteers spent quality time with our Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) participants for a painting lesson! Together, our participants and volunteers let out their inner artist and helped our PSR group work on developing new human connections. Some masterpieces were made in the process!

And in one of the largest projects of the day, one of our volunteer teams led an overhaul of our Dulcinea residence, a group home for participants working to develop social skills and gain independence. We brought in brand-new dressers, pillows and bedsheets, personal TVs, and let each participant choose a new color for their walls.

Our volunteers built furniture sets, hauled them up and down stairs, and decorated with love. Our participants could feel the love in their new rooms and couldn't wait to show them off! We can't thank our volunteers enough for their dedication and hope to see them again next year!

Check out our reel showing off everything our teams accomplished below. Read more about the programs our McDonald's Volunteer Day worked to support at



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