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A photo of 2 pieces of art hung up in the high school hallways, depicting 2 individuals wearing masks.

Plan de Estudios

Lo que Enseñamos

Association House es conocida por sus clases pequeñas con instrucción atractiva e individualizada. Nuestras clases cumplen con los estándares básicos de aprendizaje y, al mismo tiempo, brindan apoyo académico adicional para garantizar que los estudiantes estén bien equipados para el éxito. La tecnología está integrada en todas las clases.

Contemporary Literature

Ms. Vicens

In Contemporary Literature, we focus on modern day novels and how they connect to our current world. We study issues of societal differences, government, and adapting to new situations, as well as character and plot development. Contemporary Literature focuses on the here and now, and what the future could be, rather than what has already passed.

Civic Engagement and Protest

Mr. Grijalva

A traditional civics class will likely focus on the functions of government, the constitution, and voting. Instead, this class focuses on the power of the PEOPLE to make change. Explore topics such as violent/nonviolent protest, building social justice movements, and challenging the powers that be.


Mr. Zschunke

Statistics involves the practice of collecting and analyzing meaningful data. This includes measures of central tendency and variation, graphical representations, sampling techniques, and probability calculations.


Mr. Zschunke

Algebra is the study of properties and operations of the real number system, solving and graphing equations and inequalities, translating word problems into equations, operations with and factoring of polynomials, and solving simple quadratic equations.


Ms. Czarkowski Ng

Biology is the study of life. We will introduce students to the scientific method, and then explore living systems from the molecular level up through cells, organisms, and whole ecosystems. We will cover the topics of microbiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. This year we will additionally focus on understanding the COVID-19 virus and vaccine, so students can make healthy choices for themselves and their community.

Creative Writing

Ms. Vicens

In Creative Writing, we focus on developing students writing skills. We cover different styles of writing such as poetry, short story, plays, biographies, etc. We also cover common grammar rules and conventions, editing and reviewing skills in order to improve students written work.


Mr. Grijalva

Are we in a dream right now? How does my brain work? Why do people do what they do? Humanities encourages students to find answers to the largest questions human beings have ever asked. Explore subjects like philosophy, psychology, sociology, and more!

Integrated Math

Mr. Pilger

Integrated Math integrates many topics including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and analysis.

Anatomy and Physiology

Ms. Czarkowski Ng

In Anatomy and Physiology class, we will study the structures of the human body and how they function. We will learn about each of the body systems to understand how they work together to make us who we are. We will also learn to recognize how diseases or disorders can cause the body to be out of balance, so that we can try to help fix that. This is a great class for anyone who might be interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, or anyone who wants to be more aware of their own health during their lifetime.

Culinary Arts

Ms. Fisher

Culinary Arts is a student driven cooking apprenticeship provided to expose students to a home and commercial kitchen environment, the art of food preparation, cooking techniques, and presentation. Through instruction and practice, students obtain the necessary skills to plan, prepare, and cook a fabulous meal.

Programa de inscripción dual

Cada primavera, el Programa de inscripción dual brinda a los estudiantes de Association House escuela secundaria la oportunidad de inscribirse en cursos en City Colleges of Chicago y obtener créditos universitarios de forma gratuita. Este importante programa expone a los estudiantes a la experiencia universitaria. Los cursos anteriores han incluido Introducción a los Sistemas de Información Informática y Administración de Justicia.

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Giovanni, a hispanic male student from Associaiton House High School.

"Mi clase favorita era Literatura Inglesa. Me encanta leer. Me encanta escribir sobre lo que leo."

- Giovanni, clase de 2021

Contenido Relacionado

A black female student working on an art piece in an after school program.

Programas Extraescolares

5 diverse female mentor program leaders standing together smiling.

Consejería y servicios de soporte

A female Association House High School student reading with her daughter in the Family Literacy room.

Programa de alfabetización familiar

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