Association House High School
High school is not the same journey for everyone — but traditional schools often treat it that way. Whether it’s due to impersonal classes, absent counseling, family challenges, or children of one’s own, not everyone reaches graduation the same way. Association House High School, a Youth Connections Charter School, offers a new path to graduation for 16 to 21-year-olds in Chicago who have been left behind by traditional public schools. As a Level 1+ school, our goal is to prepare successful, productive, and compassionate members of a diverse, competitive, and global society.
We offer compassionate, immediate, and individual social and academic support. We commit to empowering students through relevant antiracist education. We will work to develop the essential tools each student will use to transform their lives and realize their endless potential.

To stabilize and support each unique student in their current circumstances, to help them overcome and root out inequities, and to prepare them to stand in power for the world they will inherit.
Our Core Values

